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How to Properly Clean a Dog Bowl

How to Properly Clean a Dog Bowl

A dash of dish soap. A little warm water. Slosh it around, dry it off and repeat once every… however many months? If that’s your typical routine for cleaning your dog’s food and water bowls, you’re likely in the majority.
5 Ways To Feed Fresh

5 Ways To Feed Fresh

Any way you shake it, Nom Nom supports a healthier dog. Whether you feed a little, a lot or the whole bowl, customers have seen real benefits and improvements in their dog’s health after integrating our fresh food into their diet.
5 signs your dog’s stomach is upset

5 signs your dog’s stomach is upset

If you suspect your dog’s stomach is upset, the concern can be paralyzing. What do I do? How can I help? Should I call the vet now, or wait until I can schedule a regular appointment? They’re all reasonable thoughts to run through your mind, but as a team of pet health (and gut health) experts, we’ve had plenty of experience with upset stomachs. The best thing you can do in instances of suspected stomach illness is to slow down, take stock and look for a few key indicators.
5 signs your cat’s stomach is upset

5 signs your cat’s stomach is upset

If you’re noticing certain changes in your cat’s behavior, demeanor and all-around wellbeing, you can bet your intuition is telling you something. With all that said, it always helps to have a few defined markers of illness in the case that we’re debating a phone call to the vet. While hardly comprehensive, here’s a quick-and-dirty checklist to give you a better clue as to whether your cat’s stomach is upset.
The 12 Pet-Friendliest Professions

The 12 Pet-Friendliest Professions

We know dogs as sweet, sometimes oaf-like and all-times loveable creatures born to teach us the value of slowing down, doing nothing and sleeping for as much as 14 hours per day. But it wasn’t always like this. That bloodhound? That beagle? Even that pomeranian? Hundreds and thousands of years ago, all were bred with a purpose. And that purpose wasn’t necessarily curling up at the balls of your feet, dozing off until it’s walk time.
Are my dogs playing or fighting?

Are my dogs playing or fighting?

For dog parents (especially new dog parents) trying to reward good behavior and discourage bad behavior, distinguishing between play and aggression can be one of the toughest tasks of all. And the abstract lines of questioning you may hear from well intended friends, relatives and even trainers doesn’t always help.
An Annotated History of Dog Food

An Annotated History of Dog Food

For as long as we’ve had dogs, we’ve had dog food. Relations weren’t always sunshine and gumdrops between us and our best friends. Trot your way back in history 20,000 to 30,000 years ago, and you’ll find yourself in a tooth-and-claw battle for food, for raiment and for territory between our great-great-great-great-great-great grandparents and their great-great-great-great-great-great grandwolves.
What causes tear stains in dogs

What causes tear stains in dogs

This red rust (or occasionally brownish rust, depending on the color of your dog’s fur) is what the veterinary community refers to as “tear stains.” While the name may pull up some heart-wrenching images, it’s important to remember that tears come from a variety of places other than sadness or crying — these stains are simply the result of a biological clog.
Signs and Symptoms of Parasites in Dogs

Signs and Symptoms of Parasites in Dogs

Parasites are part and parcel to a dog’s life. Over the course of your dog’s years, they’re likely to become infected at one point or another. Many (if not most) will go undiagnosed, unacknowledged and untreated. That’s a good thing: Large numbers of canine parasites are relatively benign, and may come to pass as quickly as they arrived.
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