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How to Clean Dog Vomit from the Carpet

How to Clean Dog Vomit from the Carpet

No one loves coming home to dog vomit sprawled across the family room, but the good news is that it may not be as big of a problem is it appears at first glance.
Why Is My Puppy Vomiting?

Why Is My Puppy Vomiting?

Puppy vomit: it happens. There are many reasons your pup might lose his lunch and most aren’t cause for concern. Still, it’s helpful to know a few key things to look out for to make sure you don’t have a more serious issue on your hands. Make sure to pay attention to the frequency of your puppy’s vomiting, along with the color of your puppy’s vomit.
The Dog Vomit Texture Guide

The Dog Vomit Texture Guide

When your dog spits up, it’s only natural to feel some concern. Especially if it’s not a particularly common event in your four-legged household. While your instinct may be to dial up the vet as quickly as you can, there are plenty of circumstances where some tender love and care will suffice as proper treatment. Knowing when to call the pros and when to wait it out could save you plenty of time, headache and unnecessary expenses.
Why is my dog vomiting white foam?

Why is my dog vomiting white foam?

Is your dog vomiting or spitting up white foam? While this can be alarming at first, usually you can quickly figure out what’s going on. While some of these reasons are severe, many will resolve on their own ― so don’t panic. The important part is whether your dog seems sick. If your dog is acting normally, just keep a close eye on them. However, if you notice them acting lethargic or otherwise acting unwell, it’s wise to give your vet a call.
How Cats Show Their Love

How Cats Show Their Love

In the world of pet affection, cats get a bad rep for being less loving than their canine counterparts. But cats can be just as affectionate as dogs — they just show it in a different way.
How Dogs Show Their Love

How Dogs Show Their Love

You know that feeling when you come home after a long, stressful day at work to find your dog waiting anxiously for you at the door, tail wagging, and ready to greet you, like he thought he’d never see you again? Affectionate, loyal and loving, our canine companions have a way of making us feel like the only people in the world.
Common Illnesses in Dogs & The Symptoms

Common Illnesses in Dogs & The Symptoms

We compiled a list of 15 common ailments affecting dogs using data from pet organizations and veterinarians including the American Kennel Club (AKC), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the American College of Veterinary Surgeons (ACVS), and the American Veterinary Medical Association (AVMA). We’ve covered everything from the relatively new illness to hit canines, one that humans have been battling forever, and another that represents one of the most common and preventable afflictions. We touch on many of the health concerns that affect dog owners and their loving furry pals and provide a description of the ailment, a list of symptoms, and what you should do to prevent and/or treat the most common ailments affecting dogs.
Dog Vomit: A Color Guide

Dog Vomit: A Color Guide

Yellow dog vomit, red dog vomit, green dog vomit. What’s it matter if it’s all… dog vomit? Unseemly as they all may seem, the color is often the fastest way of narrowing down the cause of your dog’s vomit.
How to Trim Dog Nails that Are Overgrown

How to Trim Dog Nails that Are Overgrown

The best way to keep your dog’s nails in check is to trim them regularly. But if your dog’s nails get to a place where they’ve overgrown too much, you’ll need to take extra care when trimming their nails. While it might be tempting to go ahead and cut an overgrown nail short right away, this could lead you to accidentally cut the quick, which can lead to pain and bleeding for your dog. That’s because when a dog’s nail grows too long, the quick grows along with it.
Eye Infections in Dogs

Eye Infections in Dogs

Is your dog’s eye red and swollen, or is there green discharge coming from their eyes? This could be an eye infection, inflammation, or something more serious going on. With a dog’s eyes, a simple eye infection can become very serious very quickly. Dogs do not know not to scratch their eyes or rub their face on the carpet. As soon as you notice anything wrong with your dog’s eye, it would be best for your vet to see your dog.