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Overweight Pet

60% of pets are overweight. Improper nutrition, overfeeding and lack of exercise are some common pet parent practices that lead to an overweight pet. Learn how to help manage your pet's weight.
Obesity & The Microbiome

Obesity & The Microbiome

People’s waistlines are expanding around the world—and so are those of their pets. Eating habits are partially to blame, but could gut microbes play a part as well? Researchers are exploring how the bacteria living in your pet’s gut are linked to obesity in order to find ways to combat weight gain.
How To Tell If a Pet Is Obese

How To Tell If a Pet Is Obese

As pet parents, we want to keep our dogs, cats, and other pets healthy, happy, and with us for a long time. While they can face a broad array of potential health issues, one of the most common and most damaging health challenges pets face also happens to be one of the most treatable: obesity.
The Right Weight Loss Diet for Your Cat

The Right Weight Loss Diet for Your Cat

Depending on the size and breed of a cat, each one has a specific weight requirement that is best for a long, healthy life. Much like people, cats have different personalities when it comes to food, and some cats may seem eager to overeat.
Dog Training Basics

Dog Training Basics

Providing the pets with whom we share our home with a solid training foundation is one of the most important things we can do.  This training can establish the relationship that will define both our own interactions with our pets and their interactions with other humans and fellow pets.