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Pet Health Conditions

Is your pet suffering from a health condition? Learn how a fresh diet can make a difference in helping their condition and improving their overall health.
Why Does My Dog Smell Like Fish?

Why Does My Dog Smell Like Fish?

No matter how much you love your dog, you probably don’t love all of their smells — especially if he or she is emanating an undersea odor. If something smells fishy with your dog, here are a few possible explanations.
Why is My Dog Losing Hair Around Their Eyes?

Why is My Dog Losing Hair Around Their Eyes?

As you probably know all too well, it’s perfectly normal for your furry friend to shed on a regular basis (just ask your couch cushions for verification). But a dog losing a noticeable amount of hair around his eyes may be suffering from an underlying health condition.
Cataracts in Dogs

Cataracts in Dogs

Noticing any cloudiness in your dog’s eyes? Do they seem to be having trouble seeing things? This could be a sign of cataracts. The good news is that cataracts can be easily treated with surgery, and some dogs can live a long and happy life without having these cataracts removed. 
Constipation In Dogs

Constipation In Dogs

Constipation is characterized by hard, pebble-like stool — frequently paired with crouching and straining during defecation attempts, blood in the stool, and a day or two without bowel movements. However, while straining may be due to constipation, it could also be a sign of urinary tract issues or other internal complications.
Doxycycline for Dogs

Doxycycline for Dogs

Doxycycline. A mouthful to say, but much more common than it sounds. As a routinely prescribed antibiotic used in veterinary medicine mainly to fight off or prevent infections, chances are you’ll encounter doxycycline at some point in your dog’s life.
How to Induce Vomiting in Dogs

How to Induce Vomiting in Dogs

If you’re reading this article because you’re currently having an emergency with your dog, please call your vet immediately. If it’s after hours, try calling Animal Poison Control at (888) 426-4435 or your local emergency veterinary facility. 
Shrinking Canine Lipomas

Shrinking Canine Lipomas

Lipomas— or fatty tumors — are those soft moveable lumps we sometimes discover under the skin of our pups. These benign, non-cancerous growths appear on dogs of all shapes and sizes, especially as they age. The good news is, most of the time they’re painless and don’t pose any health issues.
Lipomas in Dogs: Everything You Need to Know

Lipomas in Dogs: Everything You Need to Know

Discovering a lump on your beloved best friend can quickly sound some alarms. While it might feel like that lump came out of nowhere, it’s important to remember that lumps on dogs aren’t as rare as you think — nor are they necessarily dangerous.
The Best Dog Food For Dogs With Bladder Stones

The Best Dog Food For Dogs With Bladder Stones

A good diet is critical for treating and preventing bladder stones in dogs. Learn about the best dog food to treat and prevent bladder stones in dogs.
Heart Healthy Dog Food (For Heart Issues)

Heart Healthy Dog Food (For Heart Issues)

If your dog has heart issues, good diet & nutrition are key to helping them live longer. Learn about the best types of dog foods for different heart issues.