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Gluten & Grain

It is not an uncommon question among pet parents: what is gluten and grain free food and is it the best option for my pet? Get your answers here...
Grains, Carbs, and Cats, Explained

Grains, Carbs, and Cats, Explained

We see a lot of trends crossing over between human diets and pet diets: low-carb, grain-free, raw foods, antioxidant-rich, etc. After all, if it works in humans there’s a good chance it’ll have similar benefits for our pets, right? Sometimes, but not necessarily.
Gluten And Grain Free

Gluten And Grain Free

In our gluten-free dog food recipes, the only grains we use are whole grains like brown rice, which we know are nutritious because of the fiber, carbohydrates, and selenium that they provide. You will find brown rice in our Turkey Fare recipe.