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How to Treat Vomiting in Dogs

Sick Dog

There are many reasons your dog might lose his lunch, from eating too quickly to a virus that will pass within a day or two. Technically some instances of vomit are actually what vets call regurgitation, though the result looks largely the same to the human eye.

The most important thing you can do is rule out more serious ailments, though if your dog seems to be behaving normally minus an instance or two of vomiting, here are a few ways you can treat the underlying issue or at least alleviate symptoms until his stomach issues pass.

Bland food 

Just like you eat saltines when sick, you should feed your dog plain food when he’s been vomiting. A bland diet of boiled beef or chicken and rice is best, with no broth or extra spices. 

Pumpkin puree

Adding a heaping spoonful or two of pumpkin puree to your dog’s food may help settle his stomach. You can buy canned pumpkin and simply stir a bit in at meal times.


The same way a ginger shot can help relieve our sinuses or cool, bubbly glass of ginger ale can settle our stomachs, ginger can have potential calming effects for dogs’ stomachs as well. Try sprinkling a little powder on their food, or sneak a teaspoon in at mealtime.


Dog probiotics can help improve your pet’s digestion, as well as his immune system which will help with any virus that may be causing vomiting in the first place. Adding a probiotic to your dog’s diet on a regular basis may help prevent stomach problems from developing in the first place.


Believe it or not, many suspect catnip can be a helpful herb in settling a dog’s stomach. Reach into your cat’s drawer and sprinkle a pinch over their next bowl of rice. 

When in doubt, call your veterinarian

If your dog has been sick, it can take up to a week for him to get back to eating his regular diet without issues. But if the vomiting continues, it’s a good idea to consult with your vet. 

There’s no such thing as being too safe when it comes to your dogs health. If their vomiting appears chronic, painful or at all concerning, get a hold of your vet as quickly as you can. It’s always worth a check-in, even if it turns out to be nothing serious.

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