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Learn : Understanding Fresh Pet Food

Oils And Fats In Fresh Dog Food

There is a carefully crafted blend of oils in many of the fresh dog food recipes at Nom Nom, as well as the fats in animal protein. The fats found in our recipes are primarily saturated fats, which dogs tolerate very well; they don't have the same issues that humans do with saturated fats, while also being able to reap great benefits.

In addition to those fats within the individual components of the diet, we may add fish oil, and fish oil (as many people are familiar with) tends to have less inflammatory effects within the body, so these are omega 3 fatty acids like eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are really critical to learning and development and also controlling and offsetting some of the other more pro-inflammatory fats within the diet. 

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