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How to Clean Cat Vomit from the Carpet

Sad Cat

Cats have a way of making what’s theirs, theirs. And the carpet is no exception. 

While it may feel like a territorial marking, cat vomit on the carpet is typically a consequence of something else: Often chronic illness, stress or something even more urgent.

Health comes first. The first thing you do when you find cat vomit on the carpet is a quick wellness check. Is your cat breathing normally? Behaving normally? Eating normally? It could be as simple as an upset stomach or hairball, but vomit can be indicative of a number of complications that would require a visit to the vet. 

Once you’ve ruled out any pressing issues, it’s okay to turn your attention to the latest stain your cat has added to the collection.

The simplest cat vomit carpet cleaning solution

If you catch the vomit fresh, you may be able to get away with a simple vinegar-and-water solution to take care of things.

Grab a spray bottle and fill it halfway with vinegar. Fill the other half with water and give it a good shake. Use a pair of gloves or tweezers to peel up any chunky vomit material and toss it in a trash bag, then give the stain a good solid dousing. 

Let it sit for a few minutes, then come back to it with an old rag or t-shirt. Blot as much as you can, as hard scrubbing may dig the stain deeper into your carpet. Repeat this process as many times as necessary.

If the stain is persistent, try adding a dash of soap to your vinegar-water solution, or sprinkle some baking soda across the stain, let it sit for 15 minutes and vacuum it up afterwards. Both the soap and baking soda can help soak up the stain and repair discoloration.

For stronger cat vomit stains

Vinegar, water, baking soda and dish soap are usually enough to do the trick for most cat vomit stains on most materials. But not all.

Some porous or woven rug materials may be more likely to hold on to cat vomit’s lasting ill effects, so you may need to rummage through the closet for something a little stronger. If you’re hesitant to use harsh cleaners, try an in-between solution like Fels-Naptha bars or an organic pet stain remover. Just be sure to test a corner of your carpet before you apply your first round of stain remover. Better safe than sorry.

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