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Learn : Food Transition & Vomiting

Dog's Upset Stomach

If your dog has an upset stomach, meaning that he is intermittently vomiting or having issues with persistent diarrhea -- you know, greater than three days -- and if you notice any of these concerning signs you know, related to them being lethargic, you should always talk to your veterinarian about their recommendations and whether they think you should be seen. 

If they are comfortable based upon your dog having normal behavior and otherwise acting fine, one of the strategies that you might approach for helping to solve this problem would be to actually skip a meal or two. So a 12 or 24-hour fast will often give the bacteria within the gut as well as the digestive system a break so that it can sort of reset itself, and then you can gradually reintroduce food, maybe give a half meal the first time it is reintroduced.

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